Thursday, June 18, 2009

Recipe Website

If you are like me cooking sometimes can be overwhelming. I never know what to make that everyone will eat. When I do find a recipe sometimes it is hard to follow. I found this awesome website that breaks down into pictures step by step the process of cooking. I have tried several recipes from it and they were so good. I thought I would pass it along. It is

Give it a try and happy cooking :)

1 comment:

  1. I have gone to her blog before, but didn't know about the cooking part. Thanks, I will check it out! :)
    I put a bunch of new pics up on Facebook,some are from Scott's house. :)


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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with 3 children: Curt 10, Emma 8, and Colin 4. I substitute teach at their elementary school. I have a degree in elementary education and I would love to have a teaching job when Colin starts Kindergarten in the fall of 2009. I have been married since May 25, 1996 to John who is a General Manager for Dave and Buster's in Dallas.